Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekend update 3/6

I'm going to try to make this short because I'm tired and want to go to bed.

Here's the update on my PIPs:

Cleaning & Organizing
I was so happy with the way the house looked last week, I'm less happy this week. After the party on Saturday and a busy Sunday with church and two birthday parties I had a lot of catching up to do. We had my daughter's school trivia night Friday and I helped with that all week and we went to my in-laws yesterday and my parents' today for my daughter's birthday. More things just built up. I will pick up stuff and put it in a basket to put away later. Or, I'll take a bag of stuff somewhere (like to trivia night or my in-laws) and it will sit there to be put away later. I've got a lot of that stuff to put away. That starts to stress me out because I don't see when I will get to it.

Did well with time most of this week. Today we barely slid into church on time because I ran six miles this morning and started later than I should have. I didn't get upset with the kids though and that's often what I feel bad about.

Not a ton of time with anyone. I have to work on that. Especially this week since I will feel the need to clean and put things away. Since this blog is about an honest look at my life, I must mention my sister. I'm not going to go into great detail because I think I'm going to write an entire post about it but I have huge concerns about her and her drinking and am not sure what to do about it.

I did better this week than the previous week but it was still nothing to be proud of. I need to get more fruits and veggies into my family. They can't eat them if I don't offer them. That's going to be a priority. My husband was gone much of the week and I tend to use that as an excuse not to cook. He's going to be gone much of this week and the week after next so I'm going to have to change that mind set.

Being Green
I brought all the cardboard boxes and paper from my daughter's gifts back from my in-laws house. They don't recycle and I just can't put it in the trash. So I have several boxes to break down and put in my recycle bin.

I think I'm doing well with money. There are things I see that I am tempted to buy on impulse but have been taking a moment to think and then don't. I'm proud of myself for that. I need to clip and organize my coupons. I hate that they are sitting there not being used because I know there are some for things I have been buying. I'm going to try to do that this week as well.


  1. Hi there,

    I enjoy your blog. Found you from MPM at orgjunkie. I had to comment about the drinking thing. I would highly suggest attending some Al-Anon meetings. I have been attending Al-Anon for 6 months now and my life has changed. Just had to mention that.....:)
    Thanks for the blogging!

  2. Al-Anon is something I never thought of. Thanks so much for the suggestion. I haven't done it yet, but I am going to look into that for sure.
