When I began searching blogs I found several I liked. Many had to do with organizing or parenting. While looking at those blogs could be inspirational, they made me feel inadequate. I saw pictures of houses that were beautifully decorated or organized, often by the blogger. I read stories of how some women would plan awesome activities for their children. Some kept their house super clean and organized. Others cooked amazing wholesome, nutritious meals. I read about their great marriages. I read about women who could use coupons so well they would almost get their groceries for free. I read about couples who were able to live off such a small percentage of their income that they were able to pay off huge amounts of debt, relatively quickly. All the blogs I came across seemed to be written by someone who was an expert in something. Or, if not an expert at least very good.
Then one day one of my favorite bloggers posted that something terrible happened in her marriage and she had to take the kids and move out. If you had previously read this woman's blog you would have thought she had a perfect life, with perfect kids, a perfect marriage and a perfect husband. About the same time I read a post from a blogger that said she guessed she just wasn't a good enough parent. I felt so sad for her. I thought just for the fact that she was worried about what kind of parent she was, she was probably at least good enough.
That's when I decided to start a blog. I wanted to show that it was ok not to be perfect. Your house doesn't have to look like a model home. You don't have to be a great cook. Parenting can be hard. I wanted to give an honest account of how I deal with all those things that us grown-ups have to deal with.
I try to show my children how much I love them everyday. I try to keep a clean house. I'm working hard to be a better cook. I'm trying to make sure I focus some on my marriage. All I can do is try my best and that is good enough. This blog is my story.